publications (includes research and media writing):
Laird, S.G. (2020, May 7). Star Trek's Depictions of Motherhood are Changing for the Better.
Shortt Jr, M., Laird, S. G., Darville, R., & Williams, P. S. (2019). The Impact of Appropriate Interpersonal Touch (AIT) via Handshake on Perceived Credibility of Interpreter and Message. Journal of Interpretation Research, 23(2). **
Laird, S. G., Hung, I. K., & Williams, P. S. (2019). Introduction to the 12th Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources (BCUENR) Proceedings. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 351-352.
Stovall, J. P., Laird, S. G., Welford, L., & Williams, A. (2019). Student and instructor generated open educational resources compare favorably to a traditional textbook. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 370-378. **
McFarland, L., Laird, S.G. (2018). Parents' and Early Childhood Educators' Attitudes and Practices in Relation to Children's Outdoor Risky Play. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(2), 159-168. **
Runnels, C., Abbot, J., Laird, S.G., Causin, G., Stephens, P., & Coble, T. (2018). Giving Voice to Our First Nations: Creating a Framework for Indigenous Interpretation through Education and Collaboration. Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, 29(3). Retrieved from **
Black, R., Laird, S.G., & Perez-Mujica, L. (2017). Using Residents’ Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviours to Improve Biodiversity Conservation in an Australian Rural-Urban Landscape. Rural Society, 26(3), 197-209. **
Gharis, L.W., Laird, S.G., & Osbourne, D.C. (2017). How Do University Students Perceive Forestry and Wildlife Management Degrees? Journal of Forestry. **
Silva, P. & Laird, S.G. (2017). Adult Education. In A. Kudryavtsev & M.E. Krasny (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY. **
Laird, S.G., & McFarland, L. (2017). Five ways kids can benefit from being outside this summer break. The Conversation - Australia. Retrieved from:
Masterman-Smith, H., Rafferty, J., Dunphy, J. & Laird, S.G. (2016). The emerging field of environmental justice studies in Australia: reflections from an environmental community engagement program. Journal of Rural Studies, 47a, 359-368. **
Caldwell, P., Segura, C., Laird, S.G., Sun, G., McNulty, S.G., Sandercock, M., Boggs, J. & Vose, J.M. (2015). Short-term stream water temperature observations permit rapid assessment of potential climate change impacts. Hydrological Processes, 29, 2196-2211. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10358 **
Laird, S.G., McFarland-Piazza, L. & Allen, S. (2014). Young children’s opportunities for unstructured environmental exploration of nature: Links to adults’ experiences in childhood. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education. Retrieved from **
Laird, S.G. (2014). Hug a tree: the evidence shows it really will make you feel better. The Conversation. Retrieved from
Vose, J.M., Laird, S.G., Choice, Z.D. & Klepzig, K. (2013). Summary of Findings, Management Options, and Interactions. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
McNab, W.H., Spetich, M.A., Perry, R.W., Haywood, J.D., Laird, S.G., Clark, S.L., Hart, J.L., Torreano, S.J. & Buchanan, M.L. (2013). Climate Induced Migration of Native Tree Populations and Consequences for Forest Composition. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
Marion, D.A., Sun, G., Caldwell, P.V., Miniat, C.F., Ouyang, Y., Amatya, D.M., Clinton, B.D., Conrads, P.A., Laird, S.G., Dai, Z., Clingenpeel, J.A., Liu, Y., Roehl, E.A., Moore Myers, J.A. & Trettin, C. (2013). Managing Forest Water Quantity and Quality Under Climate Change. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
Rafferty, J. & Laird, S.G. (2013). Children’s observations of place-based environmental education: Projects worlds apart highlight education for sustainability inherent in many programs. Journal of Sustainability Education. Retrieved from **
Laird, S. G., Nelson, S. A. C., Stubbs, H. S., James, A. L., & Menius, E. (2012). Organizational Structures and Data Use in Volunteer Monitoring Organizations (VMOs). Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 11(3-4), 165-177. **
Laird, S.G. (2012). Review of Education for Sustainable Development Teacher Resources from the Geographical Association, UK. Journal of Sustainability Education. Retrieved from
Price, A. (2011). What’s Good In My Hood? J. Kirkland, S.G. Laird, A. Southworth, S. Zaslow (Special Consultants). New York: NYRP.
Laird, S.G., Ford, C.R., Laseter, S.H.& Vose, J.M. (2011). Long-term Forest Management and Climate Effects on Streamflow. In Medley, C.N., Patterson, Glenn, and Parker, M.J., eds., 2011, Observing, studying, and managing for change—Proceedings of the Fourth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5169, 108-113. Retrieved from **
Annetta, L.A., Murray, M.R., Gull-Laird, S., Bohr, S.C., Park, J.C. (2008). Investigating Student Attitudes Toward A Synchronous, Online Graduate Course in a Multi-User Virtual Learning Environment. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16(1). Retrieved from **
Annetta, L.A., Murray, M.R., Laird, S.G., Bohr, S.C., Park, J.C. (2006). Serious Games: Incorporating video games in the classroom. Educause Quarterly, 29(3), 16-22. **
** indicates peer-reviewed/scholarly publication
Shortt Jr, M., Laird, S. G., Darville, R., & Williams, P. S. (2019). The Impact of Appropriate Interpersonal Touch (AIT) via Handshake on Perceived Credibility of Interpreter and Message. Journal of Interpretation Research, 23(2). **
Laird, S. G., Hung, I. K., & Williams, P. S. (2019). Introduction to the 12th Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources (BCUENR) Proceedings. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 351-352.
Stovall, J. P., Laird, S. G., Welford, L., & Williams, A. (2019). Student and instructor generated open educational resources compare favorably to a traditional textbook. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 370-378. **
McFarland, L., Laird, S.G. (2018). Parents' and Early Childhood Educators' Attitudes and Practices in Relation to Children's Outdoor Risky Play. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(2), 159-168. **
Runnels, C., Abbot, J., Laird, S.G., Causin, G., Stephens, P., & Coble, T. (2018). Giving Voice to Our First Nations: Creating a Framework for Indigenous Interpretation through Education and Collaboration. Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, 29(3). Retrieved from **
Black, R., Laird, S.G., & Perez-Mujica, L. (2017). Using Residents’ Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviours to Improve Biodiversity Conservation in an Australian Rural-Urban Landscape. Rural Society, 26(3), 197-209. **
Gharis, L.W., Laird, S.G., & Osbourne, D.C. (2017). How Do University Students Perceive Forestry and Wildlife Management Degrees? Journal of Forestry. **
Silva, P. & Laird, S.G. (2017). Adult Education. In A. Kudryavtsev & M.E. Krasny (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY. **
Laird, S.G., & McFarland, L. (2017). Five ways kids can benefit from being outside this summer break. The Conversation - Australia. Retrieved from:
Masterman-Smith, H., Rafferty, J., Dunphy, J. & Laird, S.G. (2016). The emerging field of environmental justice studies in Australia: reflections from an environmental community engagement program. Journal of Rural Studies, 47a, 359-368. **
Caldwell, P., Segura, C., Laird, S.G., Sun, G., McNulty, S.G., Sandercock, M., Boggs, J. & Vose, J.M. (2015). Short-term stream water temperature observations permit rapid assessment of potential climate change impacts. Hydrological Processes, 29, 2196-2211. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10358 **
Laird, S.G., McFarland-Piazza, L. & Allen, S. (2014). Young children’s opportunities for unstructured environmental exploration of nature: Links to adults’ experiences in childhood. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education. Retrieved from **
Laird, S.G. (2014). Hug a tree: the evidence shows it really will make you feel better. The Conversation. Retrieved from
Vose, J.M., Laird, S.G., Choice, Z.D. & Klepzig, K. (2013). Summary of Findings, Management Options, and Interactions. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
McNab, W.H., Spetich, M.A., Perry, R.W., Haywood, J.D., Laird, S.G., Clark, S.L., Hart, J.L., Torreano, S.J. & Buchanan, M.L. (2013). Climate Induced Migration of Native Tree Populations and Consequences for Forest Composition. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
Marion, D.A., Sun, G., Caldwell, P.V., Miniat, C.F., Ouyang, Y., Amatya, D.M., Clinton, B.D., Conrads, P.A., Laird, S.G., Dai, Z., Clingenpeel, J.A., Liu, Y., Roehl, E.A., Moore Myers, J.A. & Trettin, C. (2013). Managing Forest Water Quantity and Quality Under Climate Change. In J.M. Vose & K. Klepzig (Eds.), Climate change adaptation and mitigation management options: A guide for natural resource managers. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. **
Rafferty, J. & Laird, S.G. (2013). Children’s observations of place-based environmental education: Projects worlds apart highlight education for sustainability inherent in many programs. Journal of Sustainability Education. Retrieved from **
Laird, S. G., Nelson, S. A. C., Stubbs, H. S., James, A. L., & Menius, E. (2012). Organizational Structures and Data Use in Volunteer Monitoring Organizations (VMOs). Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 11(3-4), 165-177. **
Laird, S.G. (2012). Review of Education for Sustainable Development Teacher Resources from the Geographical Association, UK. Journal of Sustainability Education. Retrieved from
Price, A. (2011). What’s Good In My Hood? J. Kirkland, S.G. Laird, A. Southworth, S. Zaslow (Special Consultants). New York: NYRP.
Laird, S.G., Ford, C.R., Laseter, S.H.& Vose, J.M. (2011). Long-term Forest Management and Climate Effects on Streamflow. In Medley, C.N., Patterson, Glenn, and Parker, M.J., eds., 2011, Observing, studying, and managing for change—Proceedings of the Fourth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5169, 108-113. Retrieved from **
Annetta, L.A., Murray, M.R., Gull-Laird, S., Bohr, S.C., Park, J.C. (2008). Investigating Student Attitudes Toward A Synchronous, Online Graduate Course in a Multi-User Virtual Learning Environment. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16(1). Retrieved from **
Annetta, L.A., Murray, M.R., Laird, S.G., Bohr, S.C., Park, J.C. (2006). Serious Games: Incorporating video games in the classroom. Educause Quarterly, 29(3), 16-22. **
** indicates peer-reviewed/scholarly publication
current research:
Research interests include, but are certainly not limited to: connection to nature, social and environmental justice, human/environment interaction, environmental education curriculum and evaluation, environmental attitudes and behavior, science education & communication, community-based management, community engagement, ecotourism, indigenous ecological knowledge, volunteer monitoring and citizen science, mitigation and adaptation of communities during extreme events.