Join us for the ultimate service-learning project!
Are you hoping to spend part of your summer engaged in service learning to help others using what you have learned in college so far? If so, this course in Haiti may be for you. Local non-profit One Foot Raised (OFR) will be conducting their regular work along with their Haitian partners, and they need expertise on regenerative development, including work focused on forestry and agriculture, marketing and entrepreneurship, handmade recycled art/craft production, and education methodology.
Trip dates are July 1-8, 2019.
Trip cost of $2200 includes: roundtrip airfare, ground transportation in Haiti, accommodation, program activities, meals while in Haiti, and health insurance in Haiti.
Program cost does not include: tuition & fees, application fee, airport transfer from/to Nacogdoches, passport fees, and personal expenses. Check this calculator to estimate tuition and fees expenses.
Email [email protected] for more information. We will have more information meetings soon. Stay tuned for more info.
Trip dates are July 1-8, 2019.
Trip cost of $2200 includes: roundtrip airfare, ground transportation in Haiti, accommodation, program activities, meals while in Haiti, and health insurance in Haiti.
Program cost does not include: tuition & fees, application fee, airport transfer from/to Nacogdoches, passport fees, and personal expenses. Check this calculator to estimate tuition and fees expenses.
Email [email protected] for more information. We will have more information meetings soon. Stay tuned for more info.
Please let me know if you would like to work on a writing, research, or curriculum project. I'm always looking to work with innovators.
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